If you're suffering from missing or damaged teeth, dental crowns or bridges in San Francisco may be the solution you need to restore your smile. Call our Pacific Heights Dental Office today to start on the journey back to a healthy, happy smile.
Missing or damaged teeth can damage your confidence when it comes to your smile. One worn or cracked tooth can make daily activities like eating painful and unpleasant.
A crown is a tooth-shaped cover, or "cap," custom designed to fit over a broken or worn tooth to restore it's shape, appearance and function. Unlike removable dentures, your crown is permanently attached to your tooth and requires no special maintenance beyond maintaining healthy oral hygiene habits.
With the right materials, your crown can be made nearly undetectable. Your dentist will discuss the available types and help you make the best choice for your unique situation.
While crowns are an excellent solution for damaged teeth, a missing tooth requires a more direct approach. A dental bridge is a connected series of crowns and porcelain teeth specially designed to fill that gap in your smile.
By anchoring the replacement tooth to the teeth on either side, a bridge can provide a robust and long-lasting solution to missing teeth. Constructed of porcelain fused with metal, your bridge can last for more than 15 years with proper care.
For many of our patients, dental crowns and bridges in San Francisco are just one of many tools available in tooth restoration. Call our Pacific Heights Dental Office today to speak with a member of our team about the best possible pathway to the smile you want.
With good oral care dental crowns should last for anywhere from 5 to 15 years. Avoiding habits such as grinding your teeth or biting your fingernails will help keep them in good condition.
Before the procedure the dentist will use a local anesthetic to ensure that there is no pain during the process.
The cost of dental crowns can range from $1,500 to $2,600 depending on the material used.
Pacific Heights Dental offers consultations to help determine the treatment you need and get any questions you have answered. Contact us today.
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