2383 California St, San Francisco, CA 94115
Convenient Hours: Mon to Fri 9am - 5pm

All-on-Four Dental Implants in San Francisco

Treat complete tooth loss with just four simple implants with our All-on-Four Dental Implants in San Francisco .

Replace all your top or bottom teeth with just four Implants? The All-on-Four procedure offers an alternative to dentures in restoring your smile. At Pacific Heights Dental, we can permanently restore your dental arch with just four implants.

Tooth loss can be stressful and embarrassing for anyone, but for the 35 million Americans living with total upper or lower tooth loss, that struggle can be painful and debilitating. For many years, cumbersome dentures or extensive implantation were the only options for patients with this condition. But now, a revolution in dental implant restoration offers a new alternative, the All-on-Four Dental Implants. At Pacific Heights Dental we are specialists in All-On-Four Dental Implants in San Francisco.

Traditionally, a dental implant is a titanium screw placed in the jawbone below a dental crown or false tooth. Titanium is biocompatible, meaning that the bone will heal and grow around the implant, creating a robust and secure bond.

A custom crown completes the implant, filling the space left by the missing tooth. Dentistry has advanced significantly over the years and dental implants have come a long way. They are the strongest possible device available to provide replacement teeth permanently. And what's best, they look and function just like normal teeth.

Your dentist will first assess if you are a candidate for this procedure. While far less invasive than other methods, this treatment does require some minor surgery to place the Implants. You and your doctor will decide if you are in the proper health for the procedure and recovery.

All-on-four can be a life-changing option for many patients dealing with this level of tooth loss. With your new fixed implants, you'll discover a more youthful facial structure. The Implants will help forestall future bone loss and preserve oral health. You may be surprised by how young you look and feel with your new smile. Contact San Francisco's premier dentist today to schedule your consultation.

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